It Is a Matter of FACT!

News flash: It is all about you.

Check the FACT; your

are attracting to you what you are.

Feelings-I often hear people talk about their feelings as if it’s a spell that someone put on them. No, you have control over your feelings and emotions. If not, you should. No one can make you feel a certain way. You choose to respond in the way that you do to a given set of circumstances that you’re faced. You “get in your feelings,” as they say. Until you determine that you will control your feelings and emotions you will keep tripping over the same reactions. I am not saying to ignore your feelings or stuff them inside. I am saying deal with them, question them, and ask yourself why you feel the way that you do.

Journal Time –
Think about your feelings that you often attribute to others. He/she makes me feel…
Why do I react the way I do when….
When this happens, (whatever this is)……… I lose total control

Actions-We know that our actions are the results of our thoughts and feelings. We become programmed to act a certain way based on a given set of circumstances. What is your reaction when something does not turn out the way you expected? Cuts you off while driving? Someone forgets a very important task or assignment? Do your actions alleviate or exacerbate the situation? Have you thought of responding differently? What’s INSANITY?? Expecting different results but doing the SAME thing.

Journal Time
Think about the last time you overreacted. Think how could you have responded differently?
What about a time when something called for a strong response and you passively dealt with it out of fear or to keep peace? What might you have done differently? How will you respond the next time?

Confessions-This is a biggie. I listen to people speaks and what they are saying all the time, and without fail their confessions does not line up to their goals or desires. It’s almost like planting a rose bush but waiting for the magnolia tree to grow. You desired one, but with your mouth you sowed the other. Work smarter by ensuring your feelings, actions, and thoughts align with your confessions. It’s been said out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What’s truly in your heart will come out of your mouth.

Journal Time
What are you confessing?
Think about what comes out of your mouth during the course of a day.
What are you saying to and about yourself? “I’ m stupid, I knew I would get it wrong; I can’t do this, I hope to one day…., Maybe, I will. I knew I wouldn’t get the job, etc.”
Identify what you are saying and change it to align with your expected outcome.  Example-instead of saying, “I’ m stupid, I knew I would get it wrong, perhaps you can  say I need to take the time to  rethink this, or when I slow down I can focus better.”

Thoughts-Your thoughts are the driving force of your life. Your mind is programmed to deliver to you exactly what you ask. It cannot distinguish between what is right or wrong, that’s your job. Nor can it distinguish between reality and fantasy. Once again you are the programmer. You determine what you think by what you allow to influence you. Your associations, conversations, what you’re listen to-choice of music, what you’re watch –chose of entertainment, what you’re reading, and who you’re following. These all influence the hundreds of thoughts, which run through your mind in a given day.

Journal time-
Think about what you are thinking? In the educational setting, this is call metacognition.
What thoughts come to your mind during the day? Why? When?
Analyze your thoughts-are they encouraging and life-giving, or demeaning and life draining?
When thinking about yourself and others your thoughts tend to be…..


In reviewing, the main FACT, begin aligning your feelings, actions, confessions, and thoughts. It is not too late to get on the right track. Today is a GREAT day for a change. Become your best friend and stop being your worst enemy. Not only will it enhance your life, but it will add value to those around you.

Journal time
What are your core values, the guiding principles of your life?
Do you know what they are or do they change based on the company you keep. Answer these questions to help you Reconnect or to find who you really are.

In my next blog, we will define what values are and what they are not.

